Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Course Reflection

The course, body and context, goes by it's name. This course aimed at opening up our minds to the explore the body. Not just human body, but body in general.

In this course, we looked at various aspects of body - what body is, it's limitations and strengths, changes in body over the years and what brings about the changes. To one, all this may seem tedious, but it really was not. We explored body and context in ways that are more unconventional than not. In this course, we had heated discussions on body and how it is related to art and design and also on what art and design are in the first place. We did various projects to discover more and more on body and context. We even got to paint a wall which was enthralling because only then, we realised the true meaning of teamwork.

What was amazing about this course was that work didn't at all feel like work. I can safely say that each one of us was always excited to attend class, no matter how sick or tired one was. Our facilitator was more than helpful if we had any concerns or doubts but what was surprising was, we barely had any. This course was liberating in a way as we were given complete freedom to express, pushed to think and encouraged to imagine - everything that an artist could ask for.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Flying Wheelchair

Following is the prototype of the flying wheelchair.

        The list of materials used are given below in the picture.

What Goes Into Flying Wheelchair

Cognitive mapping 

Yelahanka Map

The assignment was to make a map of Yelahanka 5th phase and identify the handicap friendly and unfriendly areas. We also had to identify the places that would be inconvenient for pregnant women, the elderly and children. Certain places like parks, lawns, etc. are marked in green as these areas are friendly for the aforementioned category. The danger zones have been marked in red. These include open drains under footpaths, manholes, broken footpaths, etc. The purple marks the unhygienic areas which include open dustbins, adopted dumping grounds, etc.

The idea was to come up with an imaginative solution to any one of the problems. We could offer the idea of building a (prototype) flying wheelchair for the handicapped and the pregnant women.  

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Body and limitatations

The idea behind this mural was to portray the limitations of human body as compared to other living beings on Earth.
Taking a jellyfish into consideration, at sea, it has complete freedom of movement as it has minimal bodily restrictions. Human beings on the other hand have lesser body fluidity. The fetus is trapped in the jellyfish, depicting it has less freedom to move about. This applies to man in general. Man can break through his bodily limits through natural or unnatural ways. For examples, ballet dancers, gymnasts, etc. 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Octollo GIF

Meet Octollo, the yellow octopus. 

Art - Barbara Kruger and Marina Abramovic

Barbara Kruger's art is about spreading a message. Most of her pieces propagate feminist ideas while others often convey strong social messages. Her artworks are pretty direct and it is clear that she tries to make the viewers think. Marina Abramovic too is about spreading strong social messages, however, she tries to show the message rather than voicing it out. For this, she uses her own body as a tool for art and the spectators, her paint. The two artists are, in more than one way, very similar. Both these ladies are extremely strong women who strive to bring about a change in society and make individuals think.

What Barbara does is use black and white photographs and uses red and white font for her art. Although many consider her to be the epitome of subway art, the messages she tries to convey are more or less quite obvious. Most people with an above average intelligence wouldn't need a third person telling them what Barbara tells the world. Simplistic art can be very well appreciated and Barbara Kruger's work is simple and yet bold. However, what is disappointing is that most times, she does not even use her own photography. One gets the feeling that apart from research, there is barely any effort involved in her work. One can very well appreciate how clear her messages are and to a common man, it involves little or no explanation. She tells people what and how things should be, which comes off as a little forced. It feels like she is stubborn with her beliefs and ideas and that is what she tries to feed to her audience. Still, the irony in her work has the potential to make most think which was and continues to be important since the last couple of generations tend to think less.

Marina Abramovic, as a performance artist, uses her body as a canvas. She tries to test the limitations of human body and challenges the society to think about their own psychotic, yet more than natural urges. She encourages her audience to react to her performances. In one such performance, the world was shocked to see how her audience, just regular citizens of the world's biggest superpower, could react so violently to her silent art. Unlike Barbara Kruger, she lets the world read and interpret the message she tries to convey instead of directly telling them what is right and what is wrong. She leaves it for the world to see the message on their own. However, her art too involves very little work or effort of her own. 

Both ladies expose their intellectual minds to the world. Both have been extremely successful in conveying their ideas to the world. But the question is - exposing your mind (mind, not feelings or emotions), can that really be labelled as art? Work pieces that have very little personal expression and much more expression of moralistic ideas, is that not the work of philosophers and social activists?
Again, both ladies are brilliant and their works, thought provoking but the lack of personal touch in their pieces, their need to be heard and the minimal effort in their work is what prevents many from calling their work 'art'. As social activists and leaders, the two would be more than perfect. However, as artists, many argue that their work is not sufficiently visually or emotionally stimulating to be called art.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

And How The Gods Changed

And How The Gods Changed

The task here was to select any God or Goddess and dress them in a contemporary way. It was important to keep in mind that the God or Goddess we depict should 'look' like an ideal God at least to our own selves.
I chose the Greek Godess Venus. Venus, being the Godess of beauty, love, sexuality and procreation, like other Greek Goddesses is conventionally depicted in white, with straight, long hair. Often there have been portrayals of her with babies or children around her. One can also find images of her birth in shells.
Keeping the above in mind, I have added a longer than normal umbilical cord joining her to a baby, signifying procreation. I have added a tattoo/birthmark of a (oyster) shell on her lower back. Unlike other depictions, her hair is not straight, long blonde. It's brown and curly which gives this depiction a slightly human touch - makes us believe that Gods can take human form and exist among us. The heels with the red soles (often recognized as Louboutins) somehow convey a sense of power and domination. Her skirt, slit on both sides and translucent towards the bottom, and her outfit in general is sexually enticing. The translucence and gentle flow of her skirt makes her look graceful. The sparkle in her skirt and the dark colors somehow reminds the viewer of the starry universe. This, and her posture brings out the Godliness in this depiction of Venus.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Finding The Finish Line

Finding The Finish Line

- An analysis of More Human Than Human (from How Art Made the World)

According to the Oxford (online) dictionary, art may be defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture producing works to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. Simply put, according to this definition, art is anything that invokes a strong emotional connect with the art piece and observer or anything that one finds appealing, whether visually or emotionally. Here, you may ask yourself what art is to you. What you find artistic - what you find visually and emotionally stimulating. 

Consider any artist today. If you are at all artistic in any way, whatever your art form may be, consider your art. Look at some of your most recent art works. Beautiful, aren't they? You may now look at some of your older art work. Are you as happy with your old work as you are with your most recent pieces? One may be almost confident that you are not. Take up a similar case with any reputed artist. One may observe that as time passes, the artist's work is only getting better. This can be attributed to the fact that skill can be bettered by practice and patience. However, another interesting attribution can be made to the evolution of the artist's taste in art. One may observe an artist's sketches getting more detailed by the day or getting more minimalist by the day. One may also observe that some artists have a certain growth period from the very beginning of their practice after which his art style remains constant. It can hence be concluded, that according to the evolving or constant tastes of different artists, their art styles come to be the way they are. It is just like building on to achieve what's as close to perfection as it may be. Now perfection is subjective as it is what each one finds most appealing, desirable or pure. In other words, everyone either finds a point of perfection or they continue to look for the point of perfection.

In How Art Made the World - More Human than Human, Dr. Spivey starts his journey to find answers to the question of where unrealistic depictions of the human figure come from, at Willendorf with the Venus of Willendorf. One can clearly see by both name and the sculpture itself that it is more or less a figure of the female human being. The Venus of Willendorf was made by a bunch of nomads. Certain features of the figurine seem to have been exaggerated, particularly the breasts, hips, behind and front. To a common man, with no art background, it looks like the body of a stout, obese woman. At this point, we must recall the kind of weather environment the nomads were in. Cold and icy. What would be most desirable to a common man when left in a big, cold, icy and lonely environment? Warmth. Human contact. Need for survival and survival of one's own 'legacy' - one's DNA. To a man in this situation, perfection is warmth and survival. The figurine here of Venus is hence perfect to him. One can find similar traces in other Venus figurines made by nomads from different regions (all cold). Hence, in conclusion came about the exaggerated breasts and wide hips, signifying both the existence and creation of life. During this period, one can only assume that this female body type was more than just desirable. It was an obsession to find this ideal piece of warmth, energy and hence life. One can only assume that the figurines then made were a source of comfort and hope to the lonely, often lost and mostly cold nomads.
When Spivey moves onto Egypt, he finds striking dissimilarities between the statuettes of the ancient nomads and the carvings and big statues of a much more civilized society. Unlike the ancient nomads, here, the human forms sculpted by the Egyptians are relatively closer to reality than those sculpted by the nomads but still comparatively far from the real human body. Hips are narrower and almost every other body part is relatively narrow. One can observe the consistency the of the human form carvings on the rocks of the pyramids. It was observed that even after three thousand years, the human body was depicted the same way. Compare this to the artist whose art style is constant. In the early Egyptian civilization, in the heat of the desert, order was in seek and chaos was to be minimized. Hence, this was desirable to the Egyptian civilization and this to them, remained the point of perfection for many centuries.
The last stop but the most pivotal part of his journey to the answer of the question in discussion here was Greece. The Greece were the first to depict human body as the way it really is. This was because the Greek believed that Gods were in perfect human forms and they wanted to feel as Godly as a mortal human possibly could. Why do many artists in modern day prefer to draw from imagination than make still lives? It is because what we really see is simply boring. What one seeks is beauty. What one follows is lust. What one really craves is the desire to be able to crave for a certain qualities. So they modified the real depiction of human form to beauty that was more artistic. Human statues were sculpted in ways that exceeded the beauty of normal humans to such a level that one can crave for that kind of beauty. This, Spivey says is more human than human.

Spivey tries to convey that the standards of beauty today are unnatural to achieve. One can spend a lot to alter their natural bodies to meet these standards. However, one may look at it from another angle. One may argue that the natural body has capacity to change and those who are close to meeting the standards of beauty today are examples of such natural and permissible ways to the point of perfection, that this point really does exist and we crave to get to this point. There are many who are considered to have actually reached this point today (eg. models, bodybuilders, etc.) So perhaps there existed women in the nomadic times, may be rare, with large bodily features. These rare and sought after women to the nomads, was the point of perfection. To the Egyptians, the thin, rigid and bold figures was the point of perfection. These points are what artists and all human beings crave. They want to crave to get to these points whether or not it is possible. One can conclude that it is only human to want to better ourselves. Carl Roger's theory of self actualization and conditioned self actualization may be applied to this. In this sense, the evolution of unrealistic depictions of the human body is only very real. Although comparatively different from Spivey's theory, in a sense, this evolution of the depiction of human body to all the different human body forms but not unrealistic portrayal of human body is thus more human than human.